Monday, 30 June 2014

Quran and Prophet Muhammad S.

·        Q: Which Message of Allah was given to Prophet Muhammad S.?
A: The Quran

·        Q: How old was Prophet Muhammad when Quran was revealed to him? 
A: He was Forty years old.

·         Q:Where was Prophet Muhammad and what was he doing, when the Quran was sent to him? 
A: He was at the cave Hira, meditating and praying to Allah.

·         Q:Who brought Quran to Prophet Muhammad S.?
A: Angel Gabriel a.s.

·        Q: What was the first word of the Message and what does it mean ? 
A: Iqra  اِقراء  means Read or Recite.

·        Q: What does Quran  قُرآن mean? 
A: Quran means the Book which is read over and over again.

·         Q:What are the other names of Quran? 
A: Quran is caled, Furqaan  فرقان ( The distingusher of right and wrong, Noor  نور (Light), Huda  هدىَ(Guidance), Zikr ذِكر   (Reminder) 

·        Q: Is Quran only for Muslims?
A: Quran is the Message of Allah for all humanity.

·         Q:Is Quran only for reading?
A: Quran encourages everyone to ponder upon its verses and understand the message of Allah.

Q: How can we remember the verses of Quran?
A: We MUST learn the EXACT WORDS in Arabic, and then we should understand the meanings of the verse, in the language we know.
Learning some short verses and their meanings, right now, by clicking here!

·        Q: How can you read Quran correctly?
A: By following the Rules of reading called Qawaid   قوائد or Tajweed  تجويد.

·         Q:How can you study and understand Quran correctly?
A: By studing the meanings of its verses in our own language or in the language we understand. 

·       Q:  Is Quran a story book? Why does are some stories explained in it?
A: Quran is not a story book as non-believers were blaming it for and calling it Asaateer oul Awwaleen  اساطيرالاوالين (Stories of the by-gone people). There're some historical facts mentioned in it as the reminders of some moral lessons. We must not add or delete anything from these facts and should not make stories out of stories.

·         Q:What is the Main Message of Quran?
A: The main message of Quran is Monotheism, or Tauheed  توحيد  ,ONE GOD! 
One of Allah`s Name or Attribute is Ahad   اَحَد , meaning One, Only.
·         Q:How does Quran guide us? 
A: Quran tells us about Rules to lead a successful life so that Allah becomes happy with us, and rewards us.

·        Q: Does Quran have any information related to modern Science?
A: There are many Sciencific facts mentioned in Quran, which are being accurately proven with time.

·         Q:Can you give any example of Scientific information in Quran that impresses the Scientists?
A: You find lots of information here. 
You may also visit this blog for helpful information.

·         Q: What is the greatest Miracle of Quran?
A: Quran can easily and accurately be memorized by human brain. That was the way it was preserved , over the period of time.

·        Q: Who is protecting Quran from all evil?
A: Allah. 
Also see ehat does Allah say in Quran here. 

·        Q: Who is a Haafiz حافظ ? 
A: The one who memeorizes the whole book of Quran.

·        Q: Who was the first Haafiz? 
A: Prophet Muhammad S.

·         Q:Which Islamic month when Quran started revealing to Prophet Muhammad S.?
A: Ramadhan رمضان

·       Q: How long it took to complete the revelation of Quran?
A: 23 years.

·        Q: How many Parts or Juz جُز Quran has?
A: 30

·        Q: How many Surahs  سُوره or Chapters are there in Quran? 
A: 114

·        Q: How many Rukhus  ركُوع or Paragraphs/Portions are there in Quran ? 
A: 540
·         A:What is the name of first Surah?
Q: Al Fatiha الفاتحه (The Opening, The Door, The Key)

·         Q:What is the name of last Surah?
A: Surah Al Naas  الناس  (Th People, The Humans)

·         Q:What is the name of the shortest Surah?
A: Surah Al Kosthar  الكوثر  ( The Abundance)

·         Q:What is the name of the longest Surah?
A: Surah Al Baqarah البقره (The Cow)

·      Q:  Which Surah is called the Heart of Quran? 
A: Surah Ya Seen ياسين ( O Leader)

·         Q:Which Surah has no Bismillah on it? 
A: Surah Al Tawbah  التوبه  ( The Repentence)

·         Q:Can you name any Surah which is named after Allah’s Attribute? 
A: Surah Al Rahmaan   الرحمن ( The Beneficient). Surah Al Faatir (The Originator)

·        Q: Can you name any Surah which is named after any Prophets name? 
A: Surah Muhammad محمد , Surah Yousuf  يوسف , Surah Younas يونس , Surah Hud هود 

·         Q:Can you name the Surah which has the name of Mother of a Prophet?
A: Surah Mariyam  مريم
·        Q:Can you name any Surah which is named after any animal?
A: Surah  Al Baqara البقره  (The Cow) , Surah Al Feel  الفيل ( The Elephant) , Surah Al Naml  النمل(The Honey Bee) .

·         Q:Who first compiled Quran in form of Book? 
A: Prophet Muhammad S. and his Companions (Sahaba صحابه )

·        Q: Who finalized the Recitation Rules for Quran? 
A: Hazrat Usmaan r. 
  (The 3rd. Khalifa or Caliph)

Q: Is Quran a story book?
A: No, Quran reminds us of some moral lessons , by explaining some parts of the the history. 

Q: What is Quran about?

A:  It tells us about God, His attributes, man's position in the universe and his goal; his relation to God and to our fellow-beings. The next life and the histories of previous nations and their prophets.Some events from the life Prophet Muhammad S. It gives arguments to disprove false beliefs of all kinds, and answers all sorts of questions and objections raised about its teachings and about  Prophet Muhammad S. Guidance and  laws  related tofamily life, business dealings, the law, war and peace, women's rights, hygiene, government and democracy, and some scientific facts etc.

Quran is the Book of Signs of Allah. Quran says there are signs for intelligent people in Quran , who ponder upon its verses. (Verse is called Aya  آيه in Arabic which also means `Sign`). 

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