Monday, 30 June 2014

About Messages and Messengers

Q:How does Allah guide humans?
A: Allah guides humans by sending his messages to Messengers , who convey or pass on the Allah`s messages to other people.

Q:Who are the Messengers or Prophets? What are they called in Arabic?`
A: The Messengers or Prophets are Allah`s chosen people. They are called Rasools and Nabis  رسول، نبی


Q:How many Messengers has Allah sent in this world?
A: Allah has sent Messengers to every nation. According to a Hadith (Prophet`s saying) they were more than a million.

Q:How many Messengers are mentioned in Quran?
A: Only 24 Messengers are mentioned in Quran, besides Prophet Muhammad S.


Q:Who was the First Messenger or Prophet?
A: Prophet Adam a.s.  عليه اسلام 


Q:Who was the Last Messenger?
A: Prophet Muhammad S. 


Q:Who is called the Father of All Prophets?
A: Prophet Abrahim a.s. عليه اسلام 


Q: Which Message was given to Prophet Muhammad S. 
صلى الله عليه وسلم ?
A: Quran  قُرآن


Q:Are there any other Holy Books? 
A: Yes, there are three other Holy Books, given to prophet Daoud, Isa and Musa a.s.


Q:Which Book was given to Prophet Daoud/David a.s
 عليه اسلام  ? 
A: Zaboor زبور  or Book of Psalms.

Q:Which Book was given to Prophet Musa/Moses a.s
 عليه اسلام ? 
A: Taurat  تورات or Torah.

Q:Which Book was given to Prophet Isa/Jesus a.s
 عليه اسلام ? 
A: Injeel  انجيل  or Bible or Gospel.


Q:Who is called the Father of the Prophets
 عليه اسلام ?
A: Prophet Abrahim a.s.


Q: Which book was given to Prophet Abrahim a.s
 عليه اسلام ? 
A: He was given some Suhuf صحائف  or Scrolls.


Q:Can we read and follow the other Holy books? Why ?

A: We can read them ,but we cannot follow them. One reason is that we have Quran to follow, as the Final and Complete Message of Allah. And the other reason is, that Quran is not changed while the other Holy Books have been changed.


Q:Can you name some other Messengers of Allah in Arabic and English? 

A: You may visit this site to know the names of the all Prophets mentioned in Quran, including Prophet Muhammad.


Q:Who brings Allah’s Messages to the Prophets/Messengers? 

A: Angel Gabriel a.s.


Q:Can you name some other Angels and their responsibilities? 

A: Mikaeel   ميكاءيل or Michael ( responsible for RIZQ  or provisions)
     Azraeel    عزراءيل                 (reponsible for death)
Karamain Katibain    كرامين كاتبين    ( responsible for writing our good and bad deeds) 
You can find the detailed answer here.


Q:Who is Shaitan/Satan? What is he called in Quran? 

A: Shaitan is a Jinn. His name in Quran is Iblis.


Q:What does Quran say about Shaitan 
  شيطان ? What does Shaitan do? 
A: Quran says Shaitan is our Enemy. He misleads us and wastes our time in useless or bad deeds.


Q: What is the dua for protection from Shatian`s attack.

A:                                         Aouzu billahi minushai tau nirrajeem. 

                                 I seek refuge of Allah from the accursed Shaitan.


Q: What do we say after any Prophet’s name? 

A: Alai-his-salaam.  (a.s.)  عليه اسلام 


Q:What do we say after Prophet Muhammad’s name? **

A: Sallul- lahu-alaihi-wassallum.  (S.)

Q: What is Durood?

A: Durood is praying for blessing upon Prophet Muhammad S. as we do in Prayer (Salaah)
Allahuma salli alaa Muhammadin......
as shown in picture (click on it to enlarge) 


Q: Why should we recite Durood often?

A: Allah says in Quran that even Allah himself and all the angles send salaam on Allah's beloved prophet Muhammad S.


Q: Should Muslim discriminate amongst the Messengers?

A: Quran forbids it. All Messengers of Allah should be given equal respect.


Q: How does the stories of different prophets help us?

A: The stories are actually reminders of some moral lessons. We are not supposed to add or delete anything from the stories , and must study and focus on the part , explained in Quran.

The stories of the Prophets (as described in Quran ) ,will be added to this website , soon! InshAllah!

Here they!


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