Sunday, 29 June 2014

About God and His Creations

Q-How many Gods are there? How do you know there is no other God?

A.There`s only ONE God. 
The whole Universe is in perfect order.Had there been more than one Gods, there would have been chaos in the Universe instead of perfect order, because, if there are more than one Controllers, they can disagree and fight with each other.

Q: What is the God called in Arabic and what does it mean?

A: In Arabic, God is called Allah. الله  Allah means , the one and the only God.
Q: Is Allah the God of Muslims only? How can you say that He is the God of everyone?
A: No Allah is the God of everyone. Allah has created everyone.

Q:Who has created the living things like humans, animals, and plants.

A: Allah.

Q:Who has created the non-living things like mountains, rivers, stars , sun and moon?

A: Allah.

Q: What is Allah and Where is He? **

A: Allah is the نور   Noor  (Light) of Heavens and Earth. He is everywhere.
 You may see what is written in Quran about Allah here.

Q: Is Allah a Male.

A: No Allah is genderless. He is neither a male or female. He is Supreme Power.

Q: Why Allah does not make Himself visible? 

A: Allah wants us to know him through His creations and the wisdom behind each creation.

Q:Why Allah has created everything?

A: Allah wants to show His powers and wisdom.


Q: Do animals, plants and non-living things worship Allah?

A: Yes, All creatures recognize their Creator and worship Him, but we don`t understand their way of worship.

Q:What is an Idol?

A: An Idol is something or someone worshiped besides Allah. It can be an alive or dead person, any other creature like animals and plants or any object like statue or rock etc.


Q:What is Sajda  
سجدہ ? Can we do Sajda to anyone or anything except Allah? Can we pray from anyone or anything except Allah?
A: Sajda is called prostration in English. It means to show humbleness and obedience,before Allah by bending the head and touching your forehead to the ground.It is not allowed to do Sajda for anyone or anything ,except Allah.


Q:How did we come to know about Allah and His Law?

A: Allah sends his Messages to Messengers, who convey them to the people.


Q:What does Attribute of Allah means? Can you name some with meanings? **

A: Attribute means Quality. Simply we call these qualities as Names of Allah.
 You can find many common Attributes of Allah here and learn them with the meanings.

Attributes of Allah are called  اسماء الحسنی  (Asma oul Housna ) in Quran.  .....

Q:Are there only 99 Attributes of Allah? Can you name some other Attributes of Allah in Quran? **
A: No , in Quran there are many more Attributes of Allah. You may find them here, and learn them. You may also watch the video of More Attributes of Allah too.


Q:Who are Angels and Jinns? What are they made of ?

A: Angels and Jinns are also Allah`s creation, however, they are invisible to our eyes.
Angels are made up from Light and Jinns are made up from Fire, by Allah.

The Arabic name for Angels is ملآئكه and for Jinns is  جـن

Q:What are humans made of? 

A: Humans are made up from clay.


Q: Why Allah has created life and death? 

A: Allah has created life and death, as a test for us to see who does good or bad deeds.


Q:Why are human-beings are considered superior to other creation? 

A: Humans are blessed power of thinking and will. They can make choices to do good and bad things. They are supposed to the care-taker of this world and its inhabitants.

The Quran calls humans  خليفه (viceroy)

Q:What are good deeds? What is the reward of good deed?

A: Good deeds are those which are in benefit to us and others. Allah gives us rewards in different ways in this world . Finally the reward of good deeds will be Jannah جنة The Heaven or Paradise.


Q:What is sin? What is the punishment of sins?

A: Sin is a bad deed which harm us or others. Allah can punish us in different ways in this world , but the final punishment for a Sinner can be Jahannam or Hell.


Q: Can Allah forgive our mistakes and sins?

A: Yes, Allah forgives our mistakes and sins, all the time as He is the Most Forgiving (Al Raheem). Sometimes He forgives us even if do not ask for forgiveness, beacuse he is the Beneficiant (Al Rahmaan).


Q:Which sin Allah will not forgive? What is it called in Arabic?

A: Allah says, He will not forgive the Shirk  شرک , meaning worshiping other gods, besides Allah. 


Q:What is Tawbah 
 توبہ ? 
A: Tawbah is asking forgiveness , very seriously and promising not to repeat the bad deed again.


Q:What happens when Tawbah is accepted by Allah? **

A: If the Tawbah is accepted by Allah, it is like one has never done that bad deed. Allah delete that bad deed from our record.


Q:What is the power of good deeds?

A:Good deed remove the bad deed.


Q:Who will finally judge our deeds and when? 

A: Allah will finally judge our good and bad deeds, on the day of Judgment  .



  1. “I would rather live my life as if there is a god and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is.”

    ― Albert Camus

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