Friday, 4 July 2014

About the Message of Quran

·         What does Quran say when Allah wants to stop us from doing anything?
           La  لا (Don't)

·         What do you mean by Halaal حلا ل and Haraam  حرام  ? 
           Halaal is permissible or allowed.
           Haraam is respected or not allowed.
  • What is Zabiha زبيحه ?
  • Zabiha. The process of slaughtering a halal animal according to the Islamic method. The following should be observed: The name of God (Allah) is to be pronounced as a reminder that we do not have the right to take the animal's life except by the permission of God to meet our need for food.  (adapted from
  •           What is Tayyab  طيّب ?

           Good , Pleasant. Quran often speaks of Halaal and Tayyab , together.
           See the meanings of Tayyab in dictionary here.

           What is Makrooh مكروه ?
           Hateful, undesirable. 
           See the meanings of Makrooh in the dictionary here.

·         What does Quran say about eating, in general? 
           Eat and Drink , but not in excess (means do not over eat or drink)

·         What is Haraam in eating and drinking?
           meat of the already dead animal, blood,
           Animal slaughtered in the name some other person or god. 
           Food given in the name of any other person/god except Allah.

·         What does Quran say about back-biting? 
           Back-biting is like eating the flesh of the dead person.

·         What does Quran say about taking revenge and forgiveness?
           Quran allows to take equal revenge, but also encourages forgiveness.

·         What does Quran say about Fighting? 
           Quran allows fighting in defence only.

·         What does Jihaad جهاد  mean? 
           Jihaad means Strive or Struggle in the way of Allah. It can be personal struggle to become a      better person or to struggle to improve the condition of society or to fight back the enemy    who attacks Muslims or Islam.
See the meaning of Jihaad here.

·         What does Quran say about making divisions in Islam?
            Quran says Do not make divisions in Islam or Muslims. Making divisions/sects is haraam.

·         What does Quran say about lairs?
           Allah curses the liar.

     What does Quran say about money-waster?
     The one who waste money is the kin of Shaitan.
·         What does Quran says about spreading corruption? What is corruption called in Arabic?
           Spreading any type of corruption on Earth is Haraam. Allah does not like the one who spread corruption.
             In Arabic the corruption is called  fasaad  فساد.
       click for meanings of Fasaad here.

·         What does Quran say about Fairness and Justice?
      Be Fair and Just in dealing. Allah loves the Just or Fair person.

·         Does Quran allow stealing,spying,jealousy,envy,calling names,making fun,swearing and showing-off?
        All of the above, are Haraam.

      Why is Magic haraam?

      Magic is haraam because Allah does not allow anyone to deceive or manipulate others.

·         What does Quran say about dealing and judging people in general?
      Allah says deal with them nicely. Only Allah can judge people.

·         What does Quran say about dealing with parents, relative , orphans and poor?
      Allah wants us to do Ehsaan to them, meaning doing good to them without expecting anything in return.

·         How should Muslims deal with their parents especially, according to Quran?
      With Ehsaan. When they grow old don't say 'fie' to them . (Fie means any word of dis-respect). Respect your Mother even more for the sake of pain she bears foryou.
      You may read  the detail of Quran on parents here.

·         What is Ehsaan احسان  ?
      Favour, without expecting any favour in return.
      See the dictionary for the meaning of Ehsaan here.

·         What does Quran encourages everyone to seek?
      Knowledge or ilm علم

·         What is the principle called in Quran, by which Allah has created this whole Universe? 
      Balance or Meezaan  میزان

·         What is creating dis-balance, called in Quran? 
      Corruption or Fasaad فساد

·         What does Quran say about the Love of Allah?
      Allah loves;
      The patient, the Just (Fair), the good-door, the dutiful, the one who purifies.

·         Which type of people Allah does not love according to Quran?
      Allah does not love;
      The sinner, the un-just (un-fair), proud/arrogant, boastful/show-off, mischief-maker (corruptor). the aggressor (who crosses the limits).

·         Does Quran Allow Racism?
      Allah says the whole mankind is ONE NATION. Any discrimination based on culture, language or traditions etc is not allowed in Islam. Quran says all these things are Allah's signs to recognize each other. The best person is the one who has more Taqwah in heart. ( Taqwah تقوي means being conscious of Allah and fearing His anger).
       You may read what does Quran say about It here.

      Does Quran allow any competition?

      Quran does not allow any competition , except in Good deeds and Knowledge.

·         What does Quran say about charity? Can Muslim give charity to non-Muslims?
      Quran says anything in excess (which is not needed) can be charity. We can give money, food, clothes, time, efforts to help others. 
      Yes. Charity is for everyone.Even for animals and plants.

·         What does it mean that Quran is Shifa?
      Quran is Allah's gifted words. They have many physical, moral and spiirtual effects for the one who reads and study it. That's why it is called Shifa  شفاء  meaning the Cure or Treatment.

     What is the benefit of remebering Allah?

      Remembering of Allah gives peace to hearts. 

·         What does Quran call those people who try to understand the Messages of Allah?
      Intelligent/Wise  people اولوالباب .

·         Do you know any Verse of Message with meanings from Quran?
      You may learn many verses and their meanings to share with your friends.
       Learn some short verses of Quran in Arabic and English here.
      You may find this collection helpful too. The Golden Verses of Quran .

·         Do you know any Surah with meanings from Quran? 
      You may learn some short Surahs from Quran and their meanings here.

      Do you know any Duas (Prayers0 from Quran and their meanings?

      You may learn some Duas from Quran here.

     What does Quran says about reading Quran.

'And recite the Qur'an in slow measured rhythmic tone.  (73:4)

You may also read more here about reading Quran in Quran here.

 What is Tajweed  
تجويد ?
      Tajweed are the rules of reading  or Qawaid قوائد.for better reading Look into  the dictionary here .

 Can you learn to read reading Quran without learning rules?

      No . If you can read Quran it means you know the rules of reading. 
      You may revise the rules here "Quran Teacher" 

        What is meaning of Safeer 
سفير ? What are you learning in Safeer Program ,at Quran class?
         Safeer    means the one who shares the message with other people.
         Safeer program is to increase your knowledge and understanding about Islam, so that you may represent and share it.

         What is the best way to improve reading and memorization skills?


What are the good values you should present in class , as a student?
Be Good and disciplined,; Be respectful ; Listen carefully, and don't waste your time. JazakAllah

What about Tricky Questions?

What if , certain things are not clearly or directly mentioned in Quran. e.g. celebrating birthdays, going on fun rides in wonderland, playing musical instruments, watching T.V etc?
In that case , use your own sense of judgment, according to the knowledge and understanding of Islam.
Ask those who have more knowledge and understanding.
Remember, that Religion of Allah is fashioned according to human nature. The rules and regulations are what is right with reason and what is wrong with reason.
For example, Muslims don't celebrate the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad S. like Christmas is the celebration of Jesus a.s.
Generally big birthdays parties are just show-off and are celebrated to collect gifts. Many video games are just waste of time and money. There are many other sports which are healthy for mind and body.
Hope you will use your own power of thinking, resoning ans justifying! InshAllah!

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Prophet Muhammad S. and the History of Islam

When and Where was Prophet Muhammad born?
He was born in Makka (Mecca) in 571 A.D.

What were the names of his parents?
Respected Abdullah and Amina

What were the name of his Grandfather and Uncle?
Respected Abdul-Mutlib and Abu Taalib

What was the name of his first wife?
Respected Khadija

What were the names of his eldest daughter and her husband? 
Respected Fatima and Ali

What were the name of his grandsons? 
Respected Hussan and Hussein

What was the condition of Arab people before the Message of Islam?
They were highly ingnorant people . They were indulged in all kind of immoral deeds, like killing, fighting, lying, stealing, drinkling, gambling etc.

What were the two Titles of Prophet Muhammad given by Arab people? 
People of Arab knew him as Saadiq  صادق (Truthful) and Ameen  امين  (Honest)

Click to find out more Names/Tiles of prophet Muhammad S.

What kind of person Prophet Muhammad S. was?
Prophet Muhammad was Simple, decent, shy, quiet, yet very brave and smart. 
His personality owes to many reasons and situations he face in his life. He was an orphan by birth and his mother passed away when he was very little. He was raised up in a village by a mid-wife called Haleema Sa'dia.
He had no brother or sisters .He didn't go to school, yet he learnt some traditional Arabian skills, like horse riding and spear art, etc.

What was the profession of Prophet Muhammad S.?
He used to assist his uncle in Trade.

Who were the first people to accept Islam? 
Prophet Muhammad`s wife Khadija, his friend Abu Bakr, his cousin Ali and his slave Zaid.

Who are the companions of Prophet Muhammad S. called? What we say with their names? Can you name some of the Prophet's companions? 

Sahabah صحابه . (razi Allahu anhu رضي الله عنه  = may Allah be pleased with him)
Repected Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman, Ali, Khadeja, Fatima, Zaid, Zubair, Bilal,  (r)

Click to find out more names of Sahaba here.

 How many years Prophet Muhammad spent in Makkah? Why did he migrated from Makkah? 

10 years.
People of Makkah never liked Prophet and his companion , preaching about ONE GOD (Tawheed). They kept torturing them. Finally they completely banned them for 3 years in a valley, which were the worst years when the early followers of Islam had no social communication with the Makkans. They suffered from humger and disease . Many died in those years, including Prophet's uncle and his beloved wife. Then Allah ordained for migration from the city of Makka towards Madina .

How many years Prophet Muhammad spent in Madinah? How were they treated in Madina?
13 years. 
They were treated with love, respect and brother-hood by dwellers of Madina.

Did Prophet Muhammad S. marry after the death of Khadija? Why? 

Yes. Unders Allah's obligation , when he became a Messenger of Allah.
Prophet Muhammad got married at the age of 25 and he lost his wife Khadija at the age of 52. 
Later marriages had many different reasons.

Why did battles take place between Muslims and un-believers? 

People of Makka were born fighters and quarrelers. They never wanted to see early Muslims preaching Islam and living at peace. they wanted to kill all of them so thay chose fighting with them, over and over again.

How did Muslim get the final victory over non-believers?
People of Makkah broke the Peace Treaty (contract/promise of keeping peace not war). Then Allah ordered Muslims to return back to their Homeland. They marched back to Makkah declaring 'La ilaha il lullah" There is no God but Allah. They peacefully invaded Makkah and gathered around Kaba.

Who said the first Adhan  اذان  on the roof of Ka’ba? 
To declare the Victory of Islam, respected Bilal (r), said the first Adhan at the roof of Ka'ba.

What was the age of Prophet Muhammad, when he died?

He was 63 years old. ( in 632 A.D.)

What is the last address of Prophet Muhammad called? Can you relate to any portion of that address or sermon?
Khoutba tul Widah . (The Last Sermon)

The Prophet said;
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Remember, one day you will appear before ALLAH and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

You may find the whole adress here  'خطبةالودع Khoutba tul Widah'

What is Hadith حديث
Hadith is the recorded saying of Prophet Muhammad S.

How to remember Hadith?
The easy way to remember Hadith is, to remember its message. Click here to learn some short hadith.

Did Allah commanded to write down Prophet's words or did Prophet Muhammad S. ordered his words to be written down.

No Allah sent Quran as his Message to all mankind. It contains all essential information , Allah wanted us to know. Prophet Muhammad delivered the Message of Quran as it was. He did not added or deleted anything from it. He, himself acted upon it and explained where ever necessary, however he did not write his saying nor did he ordered anyone to write them down.

What is Sunnah سنه
It is the way Prophet Muhammad S. acted or behaved. Quran declares him as a Best Model to follow for all Muslims.

What is Bidah بدعة?
Bidah means 'Innovation' .It can be any belief or practice which was not present at the time of Prophet S. and was invented after his time. We should not do it. It is not our right.

How Hadith and Sunnah passed on? What is their status in Islam?

People recorded them and passed them on. 
The Hadith and the Sunnah are respectable, yet the Quran itself has the first priority because the Quran is not written by humans and it is protected by Allah Himself.Hadith and Sunnah are helpful to understand the Message of Quran and Islam, but, If we find any information in Hadith or Sunnah which is against the teaching of Quran , we must dis-regard it.

You may find more information about the topic here. (Quran Speaks for Quran)

Is/was Quran prone to any tempering?
No . Allah is protecting it.

You may find Quran's Answer here.

Who are  the leaders of Islam called in Arabic? 
Khalifa   خليفه  (Caliph)

Who were the Four Leaders of Islam after Prophet Muhammad S. died?

Respected Abu Bakr  ابوبكر
Respected Umar عمر
Respected Usman عثمان
Respected Ali على 
We say RadiAllahu Unhu  رضى الله عنه with each of  their names which means may Allah be pleased with him.

You may find some brief account about the Four Caliphs of Islam here.

or the detailed account here.

Was Islam sent for Arabian people only?
No . Islam is a Global or World Religion of Allah.

How did the Message of Islam spread in the world?

By Quran.

How old is the Message of Quran by now?

1400 years old.

Is it the duty of some people to spread the Message of Islam?

No. it is the responsibility of every Muslim to pass on the Message of Allah to other people.

Why should we spread the Message of Islam to everyone? 

It is the message of Success and salvation of Mankind , in this world and the after world.

Why should we have a Religion?

Religion helps human to discipline themselves and become more humane.

Should Muslim explore other Religions?

Yes. Muslims can learn about the other Religions.

Learn the simple story of Prophet Muhammad S. here.

You May study this Essay on Religion Islam for better understanding.

You may also study the Life Story of Prophet Muhammad too for better understanding.

About Islam , Muslims and Kaba

What is the name of Allah’s Religion?
Islam  اسلام

What does Islam mean? 
Peace, Submission to one God (Allah)

What are the followers of Islam called in Quran?

What was the Religion of All prophets or Messengers?


What is the purpose of Islam?
The purpose of Islam is to make us PURE. Our body , our thoughts , our actions etc.
by removing the evil from us and guiding us towards right path, to please our Creator (Allah)

Has Allah’s Religion changed over the time? 
No . It has become more and more perfect, finally through Quran.

What is ka’ba 
 كعبه called?
Kaba is called the House of God (Allah). 

 What is the purpose of Ka’ba كعبه? What is the other name for it? 
The Kaba gives the directiond of prayer for all Muslims. It is also called Qiblah  قبله .

Who built Ka’ba? Who renovated Ka’ba after?
Prophet Adam a.s. first built Kaba under the instructions of Allah. Then Prophet Abrahim a.s. re-built it. Finally it was renovated at the the time Prophet Muhammad S.

What is built around Ka’ba? What is it called? **
There's a Mosque or Masjid , built around the Kaba. It is called Masjidul Haraam مسجدالحرام (The Respected/Sacred Mosque)

What is the Muslim’s way of worshiping Allah? Who designed Muslim’s way of worshiping way?
Muslim way of worshiping Allah is the Salah (Prayer). It is the way all prophets used to worship Allah. Qayaam, Rakooh and Sajda are mentioned in Quran so that's the way it has been designed.

Do you remember the steps of Salah or Prayer in Arabic ?
Qayaam (Standing) , Rakooh (Bending) , Sajda (Prostrating), Qa'da (Sitting), and ending the Salah by Salaam, turnig the head on right and left.
 What is the special occasion every year, when Muslim all over the world gather around Ka’ba? What do they do there?
Hajj. They pray to Allah.

Salah Video

Also click here to learn the Arabic Salah.

What is Wudu  وُضو and Ghousl غُسل?
Wudu is washing the face, hands and feet according to Allah's instruction , before performing Salah or any Islamic ritual.

 Wudu Video

Ghousal is washing the whole body.

Can Muslim Pray if there's no water avaiable for Wudu ?
Yes. They can do Ta-yam-mum  تيَممَم .

What is the difference between cleaning and Purification?
Cleaning is making sure that all the unclean stuff has been washed from our body, but Purification means it makes us Pure , spiritually at the same time.

What are the Faith Articles, and what are they called in Arabic? 

Faith is Aqeeda عقيده  . 

There are six main articles of Faith in Islam.
Believing in;
  1. One God;
  2. The angels of God;
  3. The books of God, especially the Qur'an;
  4. The prophets of God, especially Muhammad;
  5. The Day of Judgment (or the afterlife); and
  6. The supremacy of God's will (or Al Qadar , Allah knows our Past and Future)

What are Pillars of Islam called in Arabic? 

Arakeen e Islam  اركانِ اِسلام

Can you name all/some the Pillars of Islam in English and Arabic? 

The five pillars of Islam are
  1. Declaration of Faith (Shahadah)
  2. Prayer (Salah)
  3. Charity (Zakah)
  4. Fasting (Sawm)
  5. Pilgrimage (Hajj)
You find the detail here.( names of salah, number of fasting days etc...)

Visit the following link ,If you want know what does Quran say about the Pillars of Islam.

What are Islamic Months?

  1. المُحَرَّم (Muḥarram)
  2. صَفَر (Ṣafar)
  3. رَبيع الاوَّل (Rabīʿ al-Awwal)
  4. رَبيع الثاني أو رَبيع الآخِر (Rabīʿ al-Thānī or Rabīʿ al-Ākhir)
  5. جُمادى الأولى (Jumādá al-Ūlá)
  6. جُمادى الثانية أو جُمادى الآخِرة (Jumādá al-Thāniyah or Jumādá al-Ākhirah)
  7. رَجَب (Rajab)
  8. شَعبان (Shaʿbān)
  9. رَمَضان (Ramaḍān)
  10. شَوّال (Shawwāl)
  11. ذو القَعدة (Dhū al-Qaʿdah)
  12. ذو الحِجّة (Dhū al-Ḥijjah)
What is Eid? How many Eids Muslims celebrate and when?  
Eid means Happiness (that returns)
Muslim celebrate two Eids. Eid ul Fitr  عيدافطر, after Ramadan and Eid ul Dhuha  عيدالضحى after Hajj.

What is the standard of Piety for a Muslim? (or Who is the better Muslim?) 
The standard of Piety as mentioned in Quran is TAQWAH  تقوى  (The Righteousness). It means the better Muslim is the one who is more conscious of Allah and try do do Right things to please Allah and stay away from Wrong things ,not to make Allah angry.

How should Muslims look like and behave, according to Quran?
A Muslim should look Modest in look and should behave Modestly (Decent way or Ma'roof معروف  way, not the showing-off or prejudice way)

What does Quran says about Muslim’s Unity?
Quran says Allah has united all Muslims as a family, through Quran and the Prophet Muhammad S. so Muslims should not divide themselves or fight with each other because of race, culture, language, opinion etc.
You may read what is written in Quran about making divisions and unity of Muslims here.

What does Allah says about followers of other religion who believe in ONE GOD ,The Judgment day and do good deeds? 
Allah will judge and reward them, accordingly.

Should Muslim consider themselves superior to other people?
No Muslims should never be proud. They must not judge others, only because Allah has made them Muslims by Faith. They should spread the message of Allah to other people by good examples of behaviour.

Do you know about some good manners of Muslims?
Like saying Assalaam o  Alaikum اسلامُ عليكم  to greet others. (it means ,`Peace on you!)
Saying Bismillah... بسم الله  before starting any work. (It means, with the name of Allah...)
You may find many Muslim Traditions in this video. Don`t forget to find out their meanings too!

What is Nasheed?

Nasheed is a Muslim song  for praising Allah, Prophet Muhammad S., Islam, Muslims, etc.
You may like to hear some good Nasheeds.

 Al Khaliq (La ilaha il lullah)

Give thanks to Allah 

I am a Muslim 

For detailed concept on the Religion Islam you may find this Essay  'My Religion" helpful. ( for Muslim youth and adults)